It Was OK Eventually - Moon Shines & SkyBolt

by: SkyBoltsMusic

  • Published: June 25, 2013 @ 12:28:56 pm
  • Views: 382
  • Plays: 204
  • Downloads: 150
  • Favourites: 4


Oh yeah, another collaboration with Moon Shines! This was especially fun, because we've been looking for 'peppier' songs to parody. While 'parody' usually implies sillier content, you can't necessarily top incest... Twilight, being obviously oblivious to her brother's love life, apparently missed out on his entire relationship with Cadance up until the wedding announcement. I'm sure after the Royal Wedding Invasion, and their honeymoon, Twilight would have sat down with the newlyweds to get the full story. (While I'm sure aspects of love and guilt would be at play, I'm betting half of it comes from her primal urge to RESEARCH). Shining and Cadance then go on to recant her the zany tale... IN SONG!