For Twilight (Trixie'sSong)

by: Dreamsong

  • Published: June 29, 2013 @ 12:56:15 am
  • Views: 899
  • Plays: 556
  • Downloads: 334
  • Favourites: 11


It had been nearly a year since the Alicorn Amulet incident when Twilight, on official business to outlying areas of Equestria, found Trixie alone and destitute. Life had not been kind to the show-mare; time and time again, she had rebuilt her wagon and tried to resume performances, but word seemed to have spread. In every town she had been met with at least as much avarice as she had at that fateful show, years ago in Ponyville. When Twilight Sparkle stumbled upon her, “The Great and Powerful Trixie” was so broken inside, she didn't even have the energy to lash-out at the one she felt had been the beginning of her downfall. A simple, lifeless “Hi” was all she could manage. However, this one word, “Hi,” had real magic within it... not magic to vanquish foes... not show-stopping magic... but rather the magic of friendship. Sending Spike on to complete the rounds, Twilight stayed with Trixie; sharing her campfire and the tarp that had once been a resplendent proscenium. Twilight helped Trixie to see that the magic Trixie herself possessed was not intended for the same purposes as her own – saving villages, empires and the like. But even so, Trixie's gift for magic was in fact just as valuable; for it could be used to lift spirits and inspire hope. Trixie's magic was the kind of magic that could entertain, surprise and enchant... woven well, it was the kind of magic that could encourage greatness _within_others._ Twilight stayed with Trixie in the little clearing; listening, sharing, and helping Trixie to create a show that focused on bringing out the best in the pony volunteers from an audience. Trixie was secretly terrified to go in in front of another audience, but with Twilight's gentle encouragement, the first performance of this new act was the best Trixie could ever remember. The hoofstomps and cheers as she took her last bow were positively thunderous. And there was Twilight, her friend, right there in the front row beaming up at her with tears in her beautiful violet eyes. Now the campfire burns low next to the two friends asleep in the little clearing, and Trixie wakes from a pleasant dream.... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “For Twilight (Trixie's Song)” - a parody of “For Emily” by Simon and Garfunkel words and vocals by Amadhia "Dreamsong" My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, all canon characters, locations and their likenesses are (c) Hasbro. Used for the intent of promoting the enjoyment of the animated series. “For Emily, Wherever I May Find Her” MIDI sequenced by Michael D MacDonald