Feld0's Theme - Live Piano

by: Marcato Sound

  • Published: January 10, 2013 @ 12:05:19 pm
  • Views: 235
  • Plays: 146
  • Downloads: 150
  • Favourites: 1


Wait a second, this song is almost 4 minutes longer than the original! Backstory time! When I initially created Feld0's theme, I wanted to make a larger piece that was much more grand. Unfortunately there were a couple reasons I could not or would not do this. 1. I felt it would be unfair considering all the other staff themes on the forums were within 2 minutes long. 2. I would have to make a fully orchestrated masterpiece, which I was not able to do with my experience. Thus many, MANY bits were cut out of the song or shortened. And now, having acquired an HQ microphone I can now record my piano live instead of the VST I use. Problem, my soundcard is bad, thus there was a RIDICULOUS amount of static. Because of this, I used my crappy noise reduction from audacity and in a sense decreased the clarity of the piano. *DEPRESSION* On top of that one of my G keys on the piano doesn't work half the time. (You might hear me banging on a key trying to get it to work.) Ultimately it ain't the greatest, but I wanted to get this song down and out. I just love Feld0's theme so much, I had to give it its full original glory. I may even make a fully orchestrated version should I get motivated to do so...