Yay! (Original Song)

by: 0neTr1ckP0ny

  • Published: August 20, 2013 @ 10:34:25 pm
  • Views: 436
  • Plays: 377
  • Downloads: 213
  • Favourites: 11


"Yay!" Original Song by 0neTr1ckP0ny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gmXepU7568 Wow, I wasn't sure if this song would ever see the light of day. I had the basic idea for it back when I was still working on "Royal Canterlot Voice". I had the written all the melodies and the lyrics for a verse, the chorus and the bridge. But I didn't know if I could actually make the song work, because I didn't know if I could get the arrangement right and if I could make the Yays sound big enough. But after some test recordings I was more confident that I could put everything together. Initially I was going to seek help for the lyrics, since I'm not much of a lyricist, but then I ended up finishing them myself, because I wanted to get the vocals down. To (again) quote David Lee Roth: "If you like it, tell a friend. If you hate it, tell an enemy." Notes: - All guitars are tuned a whole step down. - The Yays and the bridge have seven layered tracks of vocals. I love this stuff! :) - The lyrics are obviously about Fluttershy. Because she is best pony.