Evdog - Cycle

by: Evdog

  • Published: October 5, 2015 @ 1:57:16 am
  • Views: 82
  • Plays: 57
  • Downloads: 100
  • Favourites: 1


Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/evdogmusic Featured on: http://www.canterlotsfinest.com/2013/10/music-cycle.html http://hiveradio.net/118/ ----- It's Nightmare Night (Halloween), so here's a Luna song about her hating the fact that she has been Nightmare Moon. Stemming from the Season 4 Comic-Con animatic, it got me thinking "Could it happen to her more than once? What if it has? She must hate knowing that her, as the Nighmare, caused so much turmoil." It also I've been feeling a bit depressed lately, and this was a good channel to express my emotions. Exis and TimberWolffe helped me write the verses. Well... more like they were just there while I wrote them, but they acted as great catalysts.