Who I Am

by: The L-Train

  • Published: December 7, 2013 @ 8:33:38 pm
  • Views: 1639
  • Plays: 1777
  • Downloads: 1425
  • Favourites: 27


There's a little bit of a story behind this song, so please bear with me. A few months ago I heard a terrific song by the inimitable DrDycer, about probably the most famous and well-written alicorn OC to ever grace the My Little Pony fandom, Nyx from Pen Stroke's "Past Sins". To me, though, DrDycer's song sounded like the unplugged acoustic version of some epic metal tune, and I felt compelled to create my own version. Originally I had another singer lined up to do the vocals for this, but due to various circumstances she's been unable to record it. So after having this recording sit around on my computer for a few months I decided to have a go at singing it myself ... well turns out it's just slightly out of my comfortable vocal range so I'm not 100% happy with it, but perhaps some of you will enjoy this song anyway. Trivia: I think this was actually the first song I recorded on my 7-string, before I'd gotten proper strings for it. (I had a bass string standing in for the low A. The ball stuck out the back of the guitar and looked ridiculous.) Words and music by DrDycer. His original version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEXbOfCWakE. "Past Sins" by Pen Stroke: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/41596/past-sins Cover art: http://taionafan369.deviantart.com/art/Nyx-srs-Face-True-Vector-323840893