Theme from Daring Did: Tales of an Adventurer's Companion

by: The L-Train

  • Published: October 30, 2016 @ 12:44:22 am
  • Views: 454
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My friend Seriff Pilcrow commissioned a theme tune for his fanfic, so I took the opportunity to dust off my orchestral libraries and do my best John Williams impression. (I'm not much of an impressionist...) If you'd like to commission some music from me, contact me (the.l.train.9000 at gmail) and I'll see what I can do! --- As the 1000-year mark of Celestia’s solo reign draws near, Equestria experiences the dawn of a new scientific age. Ponies all over Equestria combine science and magic to create helicopters, hydroelectric power plants, and various technological marvels. At the forefront of this renaissance is Twilight Velvet, a feisty young freelance writer armed with a background in magic technology. She’s made it her mission to communicate the ongoing science boom to the common pony. The slow-paced, idyllic life of a writer, however, would not be hers. Soon, Twilight Velvet is thrust into a world she never knew existed. She finds an unlikely friend—and an even more unlikely hobby—in the form of a thrill-seeking, asocial adventurer archeologist. Daring Do normally works alone, but she does allow for one exception. From the jungles of the Fillypines to the snowcapped peaks of the Undiscovered West, the pampas south of the Forest of Leota, and the dried lake east of Griffonstone, Daring Do and Twilight Velvet have together uncovered ancient secrets and fought those who only seek them for selfish purposes. But Twilight Velvet is more than just a writer and an adventurer. She must struggle to balance her responsibilities back home in Canterlot and her friendship with the nomadic explorer. Adding to that her growing family and her two children—Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle—Twilight Velvet must ask herself if her double life is truly worth fighting for. "Daring Did: Tales of an Adventurer’s Companion" is an upcoming fanfiction series that aims to breathe new life into a once popular headcanon: that Twilight Velvet, Twilight Sparkle’s mother, was directly involved with Daring Do and her adventures. Travel with Daring Do and Twilight Velvet across Equestria and beyond as they discover treasures of old, battle dangerous foes, and unearth the knowledge the world’s past has to offer. Drawing inspiration from real-world archeology, locales, and cultures; auxiliary MLP material like the IDW comics and G.M. Berrow chapter books; and standard action-adventure fare like Uncharted and Indiana Jones, Daring Did aims to create an immersive, yet flexible narrative with its main premise, allowing fans to weave their own stories into the universe. FiMFiction link: Additional credits Video created by Seriff Pilcrow: Main cover art created by VanillaGhosties: Equestrian map created by MisiekPL: Match striking sound effect from SoundBible: Small flame sound effect from FreeSound: