On Pegasus Wings

by: Dreamsong

  • Published: March 9, 2013 @ 7:19:15 am
  • Views: 2848
  • Plays: 3275
  • Downloads: 847
  • Favourites: 53


Original words and music for "Eagles and Horses" by John Denver and Joe Henry MIDI sequenced by Unknown, re-sequenced by Dreamsong Vocals and pony lyrics by Dreamsong -------- I first wrote this "filk" thinking about how much I connect with the world of MLP:FiM, and how even though I may be bound in this world with a physical form that has issues, my spirit isn't bound by my physical form -- it can fly as free as any pegasus, and strive for that kind of MLP goodness, even in this world. ...When I created my OC, I found myself imagining her singing to ponies who may have other handicaps, (like Scootaloo?), and reminding them that in spirit, they are as free as any pegasus, as majestic as an alicorn. It's a song well outside of the normal genres I usually sing... but I just had to sing it. <3