Drift - From Beyond

by: CloudFyre

  • Published: April 1, 2013 @ 10:40:12 am
  • Views: 229
  • Plays: 163
  • Downloads: 145
  • Favourites: 3


This was an unusual one for me - I had a moment of sudden inspiration from the Rainbow Falls scene of "The Sisterhood Social", and I wanted to write pony music that fit the unusually colorful landscape. Halfway through, I realized that what I had written would also make a great song just for everyday listening (with no pony content in mind), so I merged the two ideas and came up with this: a Liquid Drum and Bass song that would easily pass as commercial music, but still had it's roots in MLP. All in all, I'm happy with it! SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/driftdnb/drift-from-beyond Bandcamp: http://driftdnb.bandcamp.com/track/drift-from-beyond Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DriftDnB Enjoy!